Thus ersmal I must report still of Friday, where we had only our introduction meeting with all foreigners 300insgesamt. Thus a completely beautiful quantity. I believe those were like many we are also surprised. I hope fold now everything with the language course and my registration and in such a way. then the Isländer has called whether I around 6uhr on the mountain Esja, the mountain equal with Reykjavík to also go wants. Obviously. at the mountain we met then still the boss of the red cross Iceland and a Österreichishe friend, who worked straight 12Jahre as delegated at the red cross and in the hottest crisis areas of the earth prisoner interviewt. Also in Bagdad. Thus all very fascinating people. Then as it at home have they set me off me still ne bag with nem sixpack beer and nem jug giving as introduction gift!!
then in the evening foreigner party was, naja was drunk stop much.
Rekjavík is a really fascinating city. On the one hand small and village, on the other hand world-urban. Is remarkable that the population is noticeably younger. All work, then seems it by young people is done. which does to the tendency infinitely well. Postmen and Politessen, waiters and building workers are often young hippe people under 30. Also many children are remarkable in the city. In the evening the hell is the matter, and which is clubs, despite the prices always fully. But perhaps that is because of the fact that they are so good.
The lectures please me up to now completely well, since that times which other one is. I hear lectures on economics, history and geography of Iceland, and experience so the country totally differently than it a tourist would do. @Silent Narrator: I repaired my guitar and wrote already bischen Lyrics last night. in addition I know 5Gitarristen from our course and with one already become I a bischen jammen.
here the view of Esja of the balcony super of a Gallerie at the Laugavegur
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